
boiled eggs


i like the image of the sauage sitting on the folk could do something with a staked forlk and all the food is one folk at the same time



fried eggs

i wanted to look at the shapes that an egg takes so i can start vectorisng some stuff, i looked at the harribo fried eggs as they are very simplistic like the designs i want to create.

Clockwise from two meaty hand made Cumberland sausages from the Franconian Sausage Company;
sweet cure back bacon rashers;
Portabello mushroom;
fried free range eggs;
grilled cherry tomatoes;
black pudding;
Heinz baked beans
diced sauteed potatoes;
double fair trade espresso;
fresh squeezed OJ

sourced from -

think i've got some nice imagery to work from here. need to sketch up the shapes and vectorise them up.

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