logo - designs

An example of piece of logo design and bussiness cards for Rhythm kitchen designed by studio mik mik.
the colours of the logo do not effect the shape and identity as it would work well in black, also the shape is very simple put appropriate. i like the custom type face used to ad more character and identity to the image. The final colours portray the bright and fun side of the image the company wants to portray.

'The Rhythm Kitchen works on and runs funded arts projects in the community. These are geared towards involving young people of all ages in new forms of music making and multi-arts. Our projects seek to inspire and empower participants, building their confidences and allowing them to develop new skills. We strive to provide a safe environment that is both educational and fun where young people can be creative, make new friends and have a memorable experience.'

The bussiness needs to appeal both to children and parents as does the work we are producing for the food station which also has to be proffessionaly represented so that schools and local councils will take the project on.

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