bostock and pollitt design

We began with a teaser email campaign to stimulate intrigue and expectation in the run-up to a launch event in May - including chocolates and cards on Valentine's, AstroTurf invitations to the British Open for 'one-on-ones' and a receipt for the launch invitation. Following the launch, every participant invitee received a comprehensive leasing pack. We also produced a website to support the campaign.

I like how this teaser campaign has been separated into a set of different elements that have specific contexts.
i could incorporate into my design this concept and brake down the elements associated with playgrounds and do an individual design for each one.

A target group of 4- to 15-year-old boys and girls is not easy to communicate to. The visual style created for British Airways Skyflyers was based on a 'dot' formation. As well as its broad appeal - confirmed by research - it has great flexibility. For very young children, the 'dot-to-dot' style is reminiscent of a jigsaw while it also feels funkier for the older age range.

taken from -

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