Dangers of the sun

Summer weather brings many people outdoors to bask in the sun's warmth, for the Sunlight helps our bodies create vitamin D. However, spending time in the sun without the right protection exposes the skin to harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The UV radiation spectrum is divided into three bands: UVA, UVB and UVC. Little UVC radiation reaches the earth because it is filtered out by the ozone layer. UVB radiation is the principal cause of sunburn reactions and is the wavelength band that is mostly associated with inducing skin cancer. UVA radiation is responsible for causing a slow natural tan to develop and may also contribute to the cancer-causing potential of UVB radiation. Sun exposure can cause both acute and chronic injury to the skin. It is well documented that long-term sun exposure, with or without sunburn, can cause harmful effects. Sunscreen lotions are more effective in protecting against shorter ultraviolet wavelengths (UVB) than against longer wavelengths (UVA).

Long-term sun exposure has been associated with premature aging of the skin, malignant changes in the skin, development of lip cancer and corneal opacities. Severe skin damage is characterized by wrinkles, brown age spots, blotchiness, and leathery, sagging skin. Mild cases result in painful, redened skin. More severe cases may result in swelling and blisters, fever, chills, weakness, and even shock. People with pale skin may also experience peeling and itching days after a serious burn. The most dangerous and fearsome risk is development of malignant melanoma which can be a lethal tumor. Other skin tumors which can develop from chronic sun exposure include squamous cell and basal cell carcinomas, pre-cancerous lesions (actinic keratoses), sunburns, photo-aging (wrinkles and brown age spots), photosensitivity disease and cataract formation. Symptoms may begin as soon as one hour after exposure and typically reach their peak after one day. The most effective way to protect the skin against sunburn, premature wrinkling, and cancer is to limit time in the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the sun's rays are strongest.

Prickly Heat - Milinia

Prickly Heat (milinia) is a common condition caused due to overheating of the skin and inadequate sun protection. It usually surfaces on the clothed regions of the body like armpits, back, upper chest, groin or abdomen. Sometimes, prickly heat can manifest itself in the form of tiny blisters spread over the top of the arms, neck and back or at times, it can be a certain type of redness on the skin. Prickly heat can surface irrespective of the age factor. Active people, infants in incubators, bedridden patients with high fever are the potential victims of heat rash. The symptoms of prickly heat constitute small itchy red bumps on the skin amongst others. Prickly heat may be stinging, or burning. It may, though rarely develop secondary infection. It begins with excessive perspiration. The perspiration tends to damage the cells on the surface of the skin. This in turn forms a barrier and traps the sweat beneath the skin, resulting in characteristic bumps. When these bumps burst, sweat is released causing prickly, stinging, or burning feeling.

In order to prevent prickly heat, use of a sunscreen with a minimum SPF15 is recommended at least 2 minutes prior to going out in the sun and reapplication may be necessary if you intend staying out more than 3 hours. Avoid humid environments, strenuous physical activity. Do not apply oil-based products to your skin as they may block the sweat glands. Wear loose fitting, cotton or natural fiber clothing and a wide brimmed hat to protect your skin from harsh UV rays and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. Do not let perspiration dry on your skin as this can lead to further clogging of skin pores; instead wipe away with a clean towel or handkerchief and keep skin dry. If you experience a prolonged heat rash, seek immediate medical attention.

We are offering Prickly Heat Gel Wash a mild, foaming gel without soap for face and body. Its cleaning action with moisturising agents and plants extracts leaves the skin smooth and soft. It is ideal for every day use and after swimming. With its antibacterial anti-fungal agents which have antiseptic and anti-itching properties, for calming and soothing relief. It has supplementary vitamins,which are ideal for irritating skin. The gel is void of oil and is fragrance free. It combines with our Prickly heat lotion for the treatment of skin irritations, calms and soothes sunburns, for itching, pimples and for oily skins. Its ingredients give a cooling, soothing and anti-itching action, which relieves prickly heat, sunburn, reddening and rashes, caused by sweating. Both products are ideal for the sensitive skin of children, suffering from chicken-pox and adults with shingles.


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