Tree shapes

i wanted to look at the shapes of trees and designs that are already out there, i wanted to get a range of different styles so i looked at vectors, tattoo's photo's etc. i thought this would give me a range of different perspectives and tree shapes.

Pencil drawing of a tree, very detailed drawing, but with a unrealistic approach to the design of the leaves on the tree. i like the large trunk in comparison to the leaves as i feel it works in proportion.

This very vectored style is interesting but i think it's too simplistic and un-tree like, i think vectors could create and interesting way of solving my design as it will be clean cut and easy to edit the designs scale and form. i like how the leaves and flowers have been created and the colour pallet used by the creator the orange, blues and greens are really interesting but very unrealistic to the actual object.

I like how the roots spread on this design and this is something that i could incorporate into my design. possibly generate some creative type out of the roots, i think the ratio of the tree to the roots is to much in the favour of the roots and this over powers the design so i would need to make sure the balance is right and the key piece the tree is the biggest thing along with keeping the number 1 clear to see within the design. i could create the playground bars frame from this or the title of the piece could be incorporated into the roots and frame design.

this is a very interesting vector design i like how the skeleton's help create the tree shape and how the arms and legs seem to morph into branches. I should really make sure my design is interesting and not showing obvious thinking like drawing just a tree. i think that if the climbing frame evolved from the number one could be really interesting and may help limit the colour pallet such as in this design which is just black this is something i need to consider as i feel colour will help create a very high impact design.

This design is really interesting as it is kind of on the same lines as my idea, a metal frame creating a tree shape, this design shows the the ridged mature of metal or in my case a climbing frame structure can still generate and create a tree like design, i will need to consider the line thicknesses especially as the design branches out.

i think that these designs have given me an understanding of the shape i need/ want to create for my piece i need to see how i can create a climbing frame into the shape of a tree, therefore i will need to develop my ideas and generate test pieces to see what design work best.

As my idea goes i feel that just using the climbing frame shape will make the design a little boring that's why i feel incorporating some creative text out of the climbing frame or including imagery such as slides etc will help make the piece more visually interesting.

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