quotes taken from my dissertation

“Materials and tools must be used optimally, never using one material where another can do the same job less expensively, more efficiently, or both.” (Papanek, 1985, p.8).

i think that this is a quites interesting take on design and is relevant today as the profile of designers such as Perry, jeremyville, si scott etc are massive, and there is a huge demand for these designers who produce work that insome way offers a different angle to design, rather than just giving them a good design they give the organisation there name/image and reputation.

“The economic, psychological, spiritual, social technological, and intellectual needs of a human being are usually more difficult and less profitable to satisfy than the carefully engineered and manipulated “wants” inculcated by fad and fashion” (Papanek, 1985, p. 15).

these just defines the postmodern society that there is a desire for the work of these high profile designers, but a need that is for the sense of it's fashionable to have it rather than do i need it,

“People seem to prefer the ornate to the plain as they prefer daydreaming to thinking and mysticism to rationalism” (Papanek, 1985, p. 15).

again something that is completly relevent that the illustrative / customised / applied illustrative work gives a whole different angle to design as it forms ever so closely to art.

“The required object must be shown as clearly, as perfectly, and as truthfully as possible” 
(Tschichold, 1928, p. 158)

this is a contrasing opinion which tschichold states during the new typography age, that simplicity is better but is it, i think both can work along side each other and there is a need for each one to exist to sit along side each other and create this contrast.

Regarding Bob Gill’s opinion: “one of the things I do that a computer can’t do is think.” 
(Gill quoted in Newark 2002, p. 116) 

“What I really want on the Macintosh is a virtual reality interface – armholes in either side of the box so you can reach in and move a logo around; a real paintbrush so you can feel the texture of the surface underneath” (Brody quoted in Newark, 2002, p. 108)

“Because design as a problem solving activity can never by definition, yield the one right answer…it will always produce an infinitive number of answers, some “righter”, some “wronger”” (paponek, pg5 and 6)

“The “rightness” of any design solution will depend on the meaning with witch we invest the arrangement” (paponek, pg6)

which i found interesting  - different points of views, i like the different views that come in from these quotes and in some what some sum up the desire of work at the moment - the need for the ornate design much like alot of the designers i have looked at producing very styled graphics, which carry this aesthetic popular stylistic design method that is very much popular at the moment. and can be sold for a very high price.

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