Polotical resistance

A draft dodger is a term, usually pejorative, that refers to a person who avoids ("dodges") the conscription policies of the nation in which he or she is a citizen or resident by leaving the country, going into hiding, or other attempts at fraudulent means. Avoidance's involving nonviolence or conscientious objector ships are sometimes referred to as draft evasion or draft resistance.


French Resistance is the collective name used for the French resistance movements which fought against the Nazi German occupation of France and the collaborationist Vichy Regime during World War 2. Resistance groups comprised small groups of armed men and women (referred to as the maquis when based in rural areas), publishers of Underground newspapers, and escape networks that helped allied soldiers. The Resistance came from all layers and groups of French society, from conservative Roman Catholics (including priests), Jews, to Liberals, anarchists and Communists.


In military terminology, resistance or organised resistance refers to the ability of a military unit to continue to oppose an attack. Resistance ends when a unit surrenders, when all members of unit are killed or captured, or when a unit disperses. The term is used in the phrase "organized resistance has ceased" to describe the end of a battle or campaign when no formal surrender occurs after a unit is defeated. the term also occurs in the phrase "pocket of resistance."

When a unit disperses, individuals who avoid capture may continue to resist the opposing force, e.g. by joining or forming a Resistance movement, but this resistance is no longer "organized resistance" in the military sense.


This has drawn up some interesting point in this section of my research i like how the military is a resistance. this is giving me an avenue of thought as i now want to look into a more environmental look on this brief, looking at animals and nature and see the resistance that goes on here. i like the idea of nature resisting against global warming, or resistance to the extinction of an animal.

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