Brighten Web

This is some live brief work i have been given by a start up web firm.
I have been asked to help design work for them. to this point i have been asked to produce the logo and business cards for both of the designers themselves.

this is the e-mail i received this week from Mark Howes:

Hi Rob,

Thanks for talking to me the other night and sorry it's taken almost a week to get this over to you. As discussed we would like you to create us some business cards and a new logo. I've provided a quick background on our company and some ideas of what we had in mind, I hope this is enough to go by.

Background on the Company

Ben and I visualise Brighten Web to be a company which provides website solutions for businesses of all types and sizes. We envisage this by branding our company as professional, slick and comprehensive in terms of the services we provide.

Whilst wanting to appear as a professional business, we still want to portray our youth into the company brand. We feel that this will make us look new, fresh and full of ideas.

After looking at your portfolio we think that the Christmas Presents and Kleenex work is along the lines of what we had in mind. Below are a couple of examples of other work we like:

Two business card designs by Studio MikMik:

And Mike Kus who is a leading industry web designer who works for a company called Carsonified, below is his personal portfolio:

I fully trust your judgment and don’t want you to feel restrained in your ideas by focusing too much on what we have suggested. If you think something different would suit best, then please go with it – after all this is what you’re good at and not us!

Give me a call if you've got any questions.

Timescale, I don't know what your work load is like so do you think you can get this done for 30th Oct? Obviously if you can get something to us earlier I would greatly appreciate it.


Mark Howes
Brighten Web

I have recently spoken to Mark on the phone and we have negotiated the time scale to the 6th of November.

I will need to research and produce some initial ideas quickly so i can get some feed back on them from Mark so i keep a good relationship with, i hope to produce some final ideas before the 6th so i keep him happy and also to keep up to date with work. We also spoke about the colours that would be in the design he was talking about black and two other colours however i want to try limit the colours to one or even two!
i have had feed back on the type of designs he would like and some design references to my portfolio i had sent out to him, and he has picked out specific examples he likes and the style he would like the logo to be produced in.

i will now need to start researching how to create logos, therefore i will need to read up on books and magazine articles to get more of an understanding of creating a logo.

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