Adverts: Type & Image

These are some pieces of work I've picked up or found in magazines, they have really stood out and found them very interesting and designs i want to learn more about.

Hellman's Mayo:

This was an advert taken from a news paper magazine, firstly i really like the good combination of the type and the imagery of the sandwich. the flow of the text follows the curve of the sandwich. also the type it self the main strap line "the dollop maketh the ham" the type is very similar to the main body set below the image, but it has been edited to look more illustrative and to help represent the shape of a dollop of mayo. i like this subtle touch as it makes the piece more interesting and aesthetically pleasing. also i need to consider colour, the use of colour in this piece represents the colour of things within the sandwich such as tomatoes and ham, the colours are good as they work well together and stands out well of a white background. i think if they had used white wouldn't have worked with the background also green wouldn't work as well with the red and pink colour, but overall i think the design works well and is very interesting to look at. think that the shape of the text is really interesting but it could have created a shape like a mouth licking lips, or the sandwich itself or even the Hellman's jar. but I'm not sure if it would be too much i don't know. however this is something i would like to test within my own work, looking at how the text could create shapes appropriate to the context.


of the colours and the shapes that make up the design also i was These are a set of post cards i found at a Ben&Jerry's store. i was drawn to the designs because i was intrigued with how the type had been created and how it is appropriate the subject matter. the design represents the objects but in a fun cartoon/ illustrative way which to me is really interesting. also i think the use of colour benefits the look of the design of the "cream" postcard uses light colours the background colour reverses out the work cream and the information it is to give the reader, then the cow udder is a slight of shade tot he back ground which allows the word cream to stand out.
For the purpose of my design practice i am looking at interesting type and the word 'cream' has been created to represent visually the shape and form of actual cream which is interesting and really pleasing to look at. i also like the limited colours used in the actual main design total of 3 using the white card for the white. the cherry design is different as the text has been set to fit within a set shape which is the light hitting the cherry, this is very nice as the shape of the cherry stands out but the text is smaller, however i would try and do this the other way round using the type to create the actual cherry as i think this would have created a more interesting piece of imagery.

i want to incorporate so much into my design practice but using type and image is something i am going to pursue and work with and develop my technique to create some very interesting type and imagery work.

i like the simplistic layout of these designs and the type has been hand rendered or has been designed to look hand rendered which works really well as the design is trying to communicate the ethics of the product and i feel that this helps put this across to the reader and intended market. i like the use of colours appropriate to the subject matter something i need to make sure i do as my subject 'environment' is a big subject and i think to get the best impact i need to consider and use the right colours including paper stocks etc.

This design approaches type and illustration in a different way to the previous design however i feel that this is still a possible outcome of generating type and image together. the type faces seem more computer generated with the clean cut finishes and sharp lines. something i think i could replicate using illustrator and the pen tool. but i think the combination of the type faces as each type has been generated to represent the subject matter that it is describing which is obvious but some are shaped to look more attractive such as the word delicious as it's smooth lines don't directly define the word but still works a an interesting representation also 'crumbly' the text has been dissected and broken up to represent a piece of the food breaking up. i also think the design is clever like 'oaty topping' is on the top of all the other text also the text has been set in a rectangular format representing the snacks themselves. the use of colour is good as the directly symbolise the special K brand.

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